Welcome to K’iin Beh


The school is called K’iin Beh, a Mayan phrase meaning “the way of the sun.” It focuses not only on providing a solid education to local children, but more importantly, it instills in the students strong values and principles. K’iin Beh is a licensed nonprofit foundation. Tuition is based on the specific economic situation of each family and every child receives some form of scholarship. Half the classes are taught in English and half the classes are taught in Spanish.


Founded in 2011, Ki’in Beh has grown from a preschool class of 20 children to 463 students from elementary to middle school.

In 2015 the school had 120 children from Kindergarten through 6th grade but had limited resources and poor facilities. Furthermore, they had been asked to move out of the land they were temporarily using and school would be closing. An additional piece of land had been donated to the school and the construction of the new building had initiated, but they had no money to move forward with the project. 


With the support of friends of the The Scott Family, K’iin Beh reopened in 2017 in a newly rebuilt facility.

With the leadership of Daniel Scott, the school reopened on August 20th 2017 and  has now 15 fully equipped classrooms, a multipurpose covered athletic facility, a dining area, restrooms and administrative offices. We continue to keep the non-profit running through support of friends and family, working on the improvement of the school.


Connecting through cohabitation and shared experience.

We also created “Padrinos” program supported by several friends and family which is meant to pay tuition and be role model for underprivileged children who study at K'iin Beh, giving them the opportunity to build a better future and be the leaders of our community.


About The Founder: Daniel H. Scott

Daniel H. Scott, Jessica Kloecker and Ricardo Moreno, discovered in 2015,the non- profit K’iin Beh Educational Center through a friend .

The first time he visited the school that was located in an unprivileged neighborhood known as Cristo Rey, in Playa del Carmen, they met Raquel Mitre, the Principal of the school and founder of the Foundation K’iin Beh, shared this meaningful project that had started 7 years earlier but was going to close its doors.

Daniel Scott , supported this dream and committed to pay for the construction of the new school. Since then, we have received contributions from friends and family the Scott family.

What is most important about our foundation is that 51 educational professionals, led by Director Raquel Mitre, promote a culture based on respect and honesty and teach proper values ​​to the students to prepare them to be the future leaders of our community.